Sunday, June 1, 2008


Back out to paradise! What else can I say? When you wake up every morning to horses and mountains out your back window. And I call this my job. I have grown to love this place more and more every day. I ache to come back when I am away. Maybe that's why this is my 3rd season. The 4UR serves as a therapy for everyone who gets to enjoy this wonderful place. My day at the office so far has consisted of:

Waking up every morning to Toby laying on my face bright and early. He's ready to get going at about 5 am! Yes, he really will be sleeping in a crate soon...The first day out here most of the staff hasn't arrived yet. I love the peacefullness of the ranch at this time. I took a long walk/jog, then visited the horses on the mountain side, then went on another walk with Sarah down the Rio Grande River. The weather is perfect, about 75 degrees. Plenty sunny enough to get a sunburn, which I already have from being outside so much. Sunscreen hasn't helped me out much.

The next day I started a hike to Ute Peak with about 10 people (5 0f which had no idea it was straight up, or 5 hours away). They turned around almost half way. Then about an hour later another rookie started feeling altitude sickness. I gave directions to the rest of the group to the top and took the new guy home. (The picture is from last year.) I'll make it all the way soon.

When I got back to the ranch I finally had a minute to unpack in my new place. I love having my own room and bathroom. I miss having the river out my back door, but the view out the window makes up for it. I only have 2 people to share a phone with, so that's a nice change. My new number is 719.658.3061. I put that in large writting so I get phone calls.

Today was when most of the other staff showed up. Everyone keeps getting younger, I just get more mature. Most eveyone is about 20. Sarah and I went on a shed hunting ride to get away from the chaos. We were successful finding sheds. I found 3! I haven't danced so goofy for a long time. Luckily Rio was the only one that saw, I'm sure he thought I'd lost my mind over the winter.


valumama said...

YAY on the blog! it looks good... and I bet Rio was only reminded of how much fun you are to be around... not that you lost your mind :), congrats on the shed finds.

Anonymous said...

So Eric wants to know what YOU are going to do with the sheds..Hint, Hint. Anyhow we are enjoying Ebony. He has been out to pasture every day this week after we ride. We have a great rutine going. Love and miss you tons!

maayo_kaayo said...

Oh, Ashlee you are having too much fun! Oh, but how can one have too much fun? Mom and I are havin' too much fun as well. Love ya more than tons.

Ashcraft Family said...
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Ashcraft Family said...

Ashlee-you're living one of my childhood dreams!what beauty!I'm so glad you have a blog.visit ours at